Monday, January 6, 2014

Diary of a Freelancer

I'm so sorry for my incredible lack of posts in December and especially over the two weeks since Christmas! I do hope you had an incredible month though and that your holidays and New Year were fabulous! I'd love to hear about it! What are some of your traditions? Or fun things you've done over the last month!?

My month has been so busy. December is by far my favorite month. Business (knock-on-wood) is great and between my normal freelance jobs and the holiday cards and gifts, I'm on overload all December long. It's incredible! I also love all of the fun parties including Christmakah with my husband, an annual cookie swap with the girls, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and then this year my cousin got married on New Year's Eve! It was the most wonderful way to celebrate the holiday and the start of a new year.

I think though that the long hours of work and play caught up to me because Christmas Eve came around and I was starting to get a cold. Over the last week or so every time I thought I was getting better I'd wake up the next day worse. So I decided that a few days break and rest were needed.

So that's it, that's where I've been for so long and why I've been missing so many posts. But now it's Monday and I'm finally feeling better and I'm ready to start 2014 off right. So back to work and working toward my goals, and most importantly, back to a normal blogging schedule! I do have so much to share with you over the next few weeks!!

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