Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Diary of a Freelancer - Style Week Edition

As I'm sure you already know, I work from home. My office is literally next to my bedroom. In the morning I roll out of bed, make some coffee, and march right into my office. I'm typically in pajamas and my slippers for most of the day. Five o'clock is like witching hour. I finally put myself together so that my husband doesn't come home to me still in my p.j.'s or sweats.

I look at it this way, I love what I do so much that I just can't wait to get started in the morning... but it still is no excuse! So in honor of style week I think I should give myself a challenge: I am going to attempt to start each day as if I was working in an office, that people could actually see me, and see what kinds of outfits I can put together... I'll hold myself accountable by creating fashion illustrations of my "looks." Multiple benefits are that I look good and therefore feel good and confident as well as I will be "practicing" my art each day!

What do you think? Does this sound like a good challenge? Or who really cares since I'm lucky to be able to work in my pjs anyway?


  1. It's definitely a great for yourself! I work from home for my full-time job as well as being a blogger, so I know how easy it is work in your pj's and/or workout clothes. Since I have a golden retriever that wants 3-4 walks a day, it encourages me to not be seen in my pj's while on the 4th walk! Plus, I'm trying to get to know some of my neighbors so putting on an outfit is a must! Good Luck!

    1. Thanks for the feeback Kristin! I think you are right, and I think I'm going to try, maybe not everyday but three out of five sounds good to start!!

  2. This is such a cute and great idea!!
